Purchase terms for orders placed on the site archivioefortino.com

Payment Policy

Unless otherwise agreed, the goods purchased must be paid within 5 days from the order confirmation. Otherwise the sale will be cancelled.

We accept the following methods of payment:

  • PayPal
  • Credit card - (via Paypal)
  • bank transfer - (insert references to the object purchased in causal)

Right of withdrawal

The purchaser is entitled to withdraw from the contract without penalty and without giving any explanation, within a period of fourteen (14) business days following the day he receives the goods.
The withdrawal must be made by registered mail sent to our office.
Goods must be returned intact and, if packaged, with the same packaging used for delivery within the same period of fourteen days.

The expedition to the sender is under the purchaser’s responsibility.
Refund will be made by bank transfer within thirty days from receipt of goods.

This right can not be exercised if the purchase invoice has been issued or if the goods have been withdrawn in person or by own courier.

The terms of this contract are preliminary to the purchase.
If you do not agree with the provisions you are invited to desist from participating.